4 Things You’ll Miss if You Aren’t at Cause Camp 2018

Cause Camp 2018 is just over a week away (there’s still time to sign up!), and we want to make sure you know what you’re missing if you decide not to attend. We don’t want to guilt trip you (okay, we kind of do); we just want you to know why Cause Camp is considered one of the best nonprofit conferences in the nation.

1. Incredible speakers

Cause Camp brings the top nonprofit thought leaders to Lincoln, Nebraska for two days jam-packed with motivation, education and fun. And while the speakers are only a piece of the Cause Camp puzzle, we’ve assembled our best lineup yet. From storytelling, to board diversity, to fundraising strategy, we have everything to make your organization even more remarkable.

2. State-of-the-art breakout sessions

Cause Camp prides itself on being different from your typical conference. We offer ample time for a variety of breakout sessions allowing for learning, relaxation, networking and more. We won’t make you do anything, but we offer just about everything. Wind down with some yoga, or attend one of our hands-on workshops to learn something completely new—it’s up to you!

3. One-on-One time with thought leaders

At most conferences, the thought leaders are on the stage and only interact with attendees during brief Q&A sessions at the end of their presentations. Not at Cause Camp. We want you to be able to interact with nonprofit leaders who have been in your shoes. In our Expert Rooms, you’ll be able to do just that.

4. Nonprofit support system

Cause Camp attracts hundreds of nonprofit professionals from nearly every state in the country, and from countries all around the world. Networking with them not only allows you to make learn new things and make important connections, but it creates a support system for you and your organization. It’s comforting knowing that there are people out there just like you who are trying to make a positive difference in the world.

Originally published 1.26.2018—Updated 3.14.2018

cause camp 2018

Spencer Creal

Spencer is Nonprofit Hub's managing editor. He writes long- and short-form copy and edits all of the publication's written content. When he can get away from the computer screen, Spencer likes reading, creative writing, camping and trying not to ruin every new dish he cooks.

March 14, 2018

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