[PODCAST] Getting Your Board to Fundraise

Getting Your Board to Fundraise

In this episode, we speak with Darian Rodriguez Heyman about getting your nonprofit board to fundraise.

Fundraising with the board can be accomplished by clarifying expectations for board members, including:

  • fundraising efforts
  • creating consensus around board expansion priorities
  • making better use of everyone’s time in board meetings

The episode discusses tools such as the member agreement, annual personal capacity gift, rapid response donor gratification committee, and sponsorship introductions that streamline fundraising initiatives.

Heyman also shares insights into building a successful fundraising board and creating a culture of philanthropy. Heyman furthermore provides insight into gracefully transitioning off ineffective board members.



Darian Rodriguez Heyman is an inspiring, dynamic visionary. His life’s work is “helping people help,” along with supporting and connecting nonprofit, philanthropy, mission-led business, impact investing, and environmental leaders.

Heyman previously served as Executive Director of Craigslist Foundation (2004–2008) and created its Nonprofit Boot Camp. He grew into the most prominent social impact gathering in San Francisco Bay Area history after only one year.

Today, Heyman continues his efforts to inspire leaders to action. Moreover, he connects professionals to the resources they need to build a better world. Never one to preach from an ivory tower, Heyman is an active practitioner and currently serves as the part-time executive director of Numi Foundation (numifoundation.org) and is co-founder of the GenderSmart Investing Summit (gendersmartinvesting.com). Heyman has delivered plenaries to thousands alongside Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Apple Founder Steve Wozniak, and presidential candidate Ralph Nader. He has keynoted in Kenya, Mexico,
Argentina, Brazil, India, Australia, New Zealand, and the US.

He brings energy and interactivity to any program, covering many topics. Candid, light-hearted, and right-on-target, audiences find him inspirational and provocative. Heyman delivers insights, trends, and valuable tools to audiences. These audiences range from nonprofit board members to foundation executives to investors and youth.


Shout out to Donorbox for making this episode possible.

Shout out to our friends at Donorbox for making today’s episode possible!

Delaney Mullennix, MPA

Delaney joined the Nonprofit Hub team in 2021, leading strategic partnerships, and now serves as the Executive Director. She helps to manage and sustain the organization's growing national presence, modern partnership profile, and highly trafficked educational media platform. Delaney plays a major role in curating and creating educational content with a network of innovative nonprofit service, product providers, and professionals that empower organizations to go from good to growth. Delaney got her master's degree in nonprofit management and administration from Grand Valley State University, where she served on the executive board of the Nonprofit Professionals Graduate Student Organization. She's an alumna of Michigan DECA and serves as a competitive event judge to help evaluate high school students' marketing and management skills. You can find her jet-setting to a new place in her free time, volunteering for a good cause, and exploring the great outdoors.

February 17, 2023

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