[PODCAST] Be a Conscious Nonprofit with Relational Leadership

Be a Conscious Nonprofit with Relational Leadership

Delaney Mullennix, the Nonprofit Hub Radio Podcast host, interviews Leeza Steindorf of Core Success LLC about how to operate a conscious nonprofit through relational leadership

Steindorf defines relational leadership as a collaborative approach to leadership that focuses on building strong, authentic relationships with team members to drive success.

According to Leeza, nonprofit staff members may share similar goals and values but may have different ways of achieving them, leading to conflict. The difficulty of overcoming this conflict can be an obstacle in team building. A solution to this challenge is to engage in team building activities that focus on building authentic relationships between team members.

Through her experienced insights, Leeza offers valuable advice for nonprofit executives and managers to build a cohesive team culture that cultivates successful outcomes.

With a global record as a thought leader, keynote speaker, consultant and leadership coach for corporations, executives and state representatives for over 20 years in 35+ countries, Leezá guides individuals and organizations to gain clarity amid confusion, simplify structures out of complexity, and transform tension into ease and confidence. Also, she specializes in helping individuals break through limiting beliefs, own their innate value and thrive. Through their work, Leezá’s clients master relational leadership and implement whole systems growth at the highest level. Notably, some of her world-class clients include Nike, Lufthansa Airlines, Jack Canfield, and the State of Oregon.

Leezá is an Executive Coach for Forbes Coaches Council, a Canfield Success Trainer, former Tony Robbins Results Coach and host of the public TV show “Live With Leezá ”. Her certifications include Executive and Life Coach (ICF), Trainer & Group Facilitator, Mediator and NonViolent Communication Trainer.

Shout out to our friends at Donorbox for making today’s episode possible!

Delaney Mullennix, MPA

Delaney joined the Nonprofit Hub team in 2021, leading strategic partnerships, and now serves as the Executive Director. She helps to manage and sustain the organization's growing national presence, modern partnership profile, and highly trafficked educational media platform. Delaney plays a major role in curating and creating educational content with a network of innovative nonprofit service, product providers, and professionals that empower organizations to go from good to growth. Delaney got her master's degree in nonprofit management and administration from Grand Valley State University, where she served on the executive board of the Nonprofit Professionals Graduate Student Organization. She's an alumna of Michigan DECA and serves as a competitive event judge to help evaluate high school students' marketing and management skills. You can find her jet-setting to a new place in her free time, volunteering for a good cause, and exploring the great outdoors.

May 26, 2023

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