5 Required Elements When Building Websites for Nonprofits: #3 Content

Content is king—we’ve all heard this before. And it’s still true. But it might be more accurate to say, “context is king.” Without context, your content is meaningless.

Context is about providing information that’s relevant to your online visitors. It’s not enough to just have words on a page. Your content needs to connect with your audience or it won’t accomplish anything, for you or for your visitors.

Content typically takes the form of articles, blog posts or white papers. But it can also be FAQs or some other resource heading. Here’s the difference between content and copy: Copy guides us around on a site, like the section headers and page headlines. It’s necessary, but doesn’t have a lot of meaning attached to it. Content, on the other hand, is the soul of your nonprofit website. It tells people about your organization, your people and your cause.

Read on at Firespring.org

September 24, 2013

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