11 Indispensable Ingredients of a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign [Infographic]

Tatyana Kapkan is a guest contributor for Nonprofit Hub and an Online Marketing Strategist for FundRazr, Canada’s largest crowdfunding platform with deep social media integration. She is passionate about crowdfunding and coaching customers to help their fundraising campaigns succeed. Tatyana contributes her knowledge and experience by writing content to FundRazr’s blog and guest blogging.

Nowadays, there is a variety of crowdfunding platforms available for different causes and projects. A common belief is that once you have chosen a platform that fits your needs and created a fundraising campaign, people will start donating. That’s not exactly how it works.

The reality is, you should ensure that your crowdfunding campaign has all of the essential ingredients it needs. Ingredients like “reaching out to your close friends and family for first donations,” “building a community on social media” and “pitching your story to the news” have a huge impact on success of your project or cause.

While creating a crowdfunding campaign, go through this checklist of the most important ingredients that will help your campaign succeed.

11 Indispensable Ingredients of a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign [Infographic]

August 6, 2014

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