The Effects from One Month of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge [Infographic]

Joe Magee is a guest contributor for Nonprofit Hub and the Vice President of RallyBound, which provides social fundraising software to nonprofits. He has helped organizations such as TED, Kaiser Permanente and AOL implement digital initiatives aimed at solving problems and making an impact.

To mark the significance of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge reaching $100 million, RallyBound created a one-month look at the social media sensation. With a unique structure leveraging both social sharing and urgency, the challenge presents a plethora of takeaways to any nonprofit hoping to capitalize on the fervor of social fundraising. This infographic is an attempt to measure the sheer size and scope of what transpired in a mere 30 days.

One Month of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

This infographic was originally published on RallyBound.

The Effects of One Month of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge [Infographic]

Joe Magee

Joe Magee is the Vice President of RallyBound, which provides social fundraising software to nonprofits. He has helped organizations such as TED, Kaiser Permanente and AOL implement digital initiatives aimed at solving problems and making an impact.

September 24, 2014

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